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José Alejandro Ayuso
 Born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic on November 11, 1963. Married with three children. Lawyer and business consultant with 10 years of higher education in France and Spain and 25 years of practice. Experience in public office, as viceminister of external affairs and legal sub-consultant of the Executive Power.

Proffesor in major Dominican Universities:
• Current International Economic Law professor for the Master in Economic Regulation
• Coordinator of the Master in Interncional Relations of the Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra - PUCMM.

• Advisor to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.
• President of Fundación Equidad, Inc.
• Author of numerous legal essays, amoungst them La Constitución, Derecho Internacional e Integración Supranacional. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: Fundación Equidad, Inc. Editions, 2011.